Educational Counselling
Counselling for Mothers and Fathers and Support for Children and Teenagers with Developmental and/or Learning Disorders:
- Supporting the child/teenager, recognizing his/her strengths – encouraging solution-oriented perspectives and innate possibilities
- Creating and facilitating better learning conditions, at school and at home
- Support, understanding and encouragement for parents and their child with Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD/ADHD)
Supportive Parent Counselling Regarding Educational Issues
- to regain a sense of security as parents, whether they are parents of infants, school children or teenagers
- to be able to bring up children on a solid basis of empathy, sustainable relationship and structure
- to handle difficult situations with children with authority based on relationship

Counselling with Partnership Issues
This can be couple counselling or individual counselling, also when you don’t live in an ongoing love relationship, but wish to do so.
Life Counselling in Personal Crisis Situations
Individual counselling can support you in personal crisis situations, with psychosomatic problems or spiritual crisis situations – towards new zest for life and living a more fulfilling life.
Counselling in the Professional Field
- You feel either overwhelmed or insufficiently challenged in your work and are looking for more job satisfaction?
- Again and again you find yourself reaching your limits in your communication with your superiors / colleagues and wish for more assertiveness and interpersonal skills in dealing with them?
- You need to make important career decisions or are looking for a new field of work and want to find out what suits you best?
With my support you’ll work on new viable solutions in your professional field, use your ressources and discover new suitable courses of action.
Those of us who work in the helping professions or in education find ourselves in challenging situations every now and then. They take us to the limits of our capabilities to handle the situation. A student, a patient or another person who is in our care can “push our buttons” , so we can’t see any more what the background of this behaviour could be. It could also be a situation in our team or in the institution we work in which has the effect that we loose our inner balance and overreact. We sometimes end up in serious self-doubts, feeling guilty, thinking that we should have handled the situation in a more mature way.
Although it is important to be able to reflect self-critically upon a challenging situation, it isn’t always sufficient. In that case supervision can be the decisive support, which then leads to more job satisfaction, releasing fresh energy for the work.
In supervision you explore the dynamics of the difficult work situation in an undisturbed setting – with the support of the supervisor. Together you examine it, try out alternative courses of action and get a fresh look at your strengths and weaknesses.
In general supervision covers three areas:
- Support – with difficult work situations
– examination of alternative perspectives
- Professional development – new impulses for your area of work
– extending your professional competence
- Professional ethics – discussion regarding relevant ethical questions ( respecting the
dignity of children, teenagers or adults in your care, for example)
Supervision also includes aspects of self-awareness but is always related to your own field of work, strengthening and increasing your professional competence. This can positively influence other areas of your life. However, supervision is no therapy or counselling endeavour.
My main focus:
I offer individual and group supervision. My main focus is on supervision for teachers and nursery school teachers and for social workers working with mentally and/or physically handicapped people.